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Like all areas of safeguarding, at Thwaites School we take e-safety very seriously. The importance of staying safe on the internet and using electronic devices both on and off-line is intrinsically linked with the wider curriculum and is covered in depth each year through HeartSmart, a creative approach to delivering the PSHE curriculum that builds character, emotional health and resilience in children.

E-safety and internet safety are also regularly discussed in computing lessons whilst children are learning to use electronic devices, programmes and the internet in a positive way.

Every Monday morning, children attend a ‘Values’ assembly, within which e-safety and internet safety are discussed using interactive displays and we operate a ‘Think Before You Click’ approach that children learn and apply to their everyday use of electronic devices and the internet, as well as a 'See Something, Say Something' approach which applies to all areas of safeguarding, including e-safety and internet safety.

As well as this school has taken all appropriate steps to ensure monitoring and filtering practices are robust and up-to-date.

Finally, we participate each year in ‘Safer Internet Day’ when an entire day is put aside just to focus on our e-safety and internet safety knowledge.

Please see our ‘Computing’ and ‘Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education’ curriculum for further details.

If you would like any further information on how we keep children safe on the internet and using devices, or would like a hard-copy of the steps we have taken on monitoring and filtering then please don’t hesitate to contact school.

Telephone: 01229 772554


Below are some useful links for parents who may have concerns around e-safety or internet safety or may simply wish to learn more: